r10 - 26 Oct 2012 - 15:37:32 GMT - VladAtanasiu?You are here: Bernstein > Waqwaq Web > WebHome
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Results from Waqwaq web retrieved at 15:08 (GMT)

Contact Vlad Atanasiu Senior Scientist Commission for Scientific Visualization Austrian Academy of Sciences Donau City Str. 1 A 1220 Vienna Austria How to get ...
Events 2008.12.05, Hanoi, Vietnam "Using Cartography to reveal Historical Perspectives", paper presented by Vlad Atanasiu, at the International Joint GIS IDEAS ...
Waqwaq explained Waqwaq is a mythical island in the Medieval Middle Eastern cultures. Although displayed on several maps and described in geographical treatises, it ...
Table of contents 1. Project 1. Section home 1. Updates 1. Events 1. Name identity 1. Visual identity 1. Contact 1. Mappping ...
Updates 2009.03.13 The Waqwaq website goes online.
Visual Identity Waqwaq logos, headers, etc.
Beautiful Japan: Visualizing subjective landscape perceptions Vlad Atanasiu, 2009 These figures illustrate both the potentialities and the problems lying ahead of ...
7385 Swabian bulls and 2 Viennese mermaids: Interpreting the Bernstein cartography of papers and watermarks Vlad Atanasiu, 2009 This document presents various representations ...
The Score of Death. Plague Epidemics in Europe 1347 1600 VladAtanasiu, AnneTournieroux 2008 9 This page provides various visualizations of plague epidemics that killed ...
Avatars in Real Life Placename homonymy in Iran Vlad Atanasiu, 2010 If somebody would like to hide something precious in Iran, a good choice would be the town of ...
Publications Vlad Atanasiu (2010) Avatars in Real Life: Placename homonymy in Iran Vlad Atanasiu (2009) Beautiful Japan: Visualizing subjective landscape perceptions ...
Number of topics: 11
Paris, France
Waqwaq - mapping cultural geographies

http://www.bernstein.oeaw.ac.at/twiki/bin/view/Waqwaq/WebHome · r10 · 26 Oct 2012 · 15:37:32 · VladAtanasiu
Waqwaq: Mapping cultural geographies · http://www.waqwaq.info
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